Friday, January 1, 2010

The Be-RAD-a-tudes

Here's my take on the Beatitudes for RAD moms:
(You may borrow them if you'd like but please credit me as the author. Thanks. BeckyJoie.)

1. Blessed are the empathetic in spirit, for to them shall be handed the keys to the kingdom of their children's hearts.
2. Blessed are those who give to their children in spite of mourning reciprocal love, for they shall be comforted when attachment begins to form.
3. Blessed are those who balance structure with softness, for they shall inherit peaceful times in their households.
4. Blessed are those who fill their children's hungers with love and nourishment, for they shall be filled themselves with the reward which comes from giving to those who can return it the least. ('If you've done it to the least of these', Jesus says, 'You've done it unto me'.)
5. Blessed are the merciful parents who don't place their children under too much pressure for they shall find security in their homes.
6. Blessed are the pure in heart who do not take upon themselves the mistrust and unforgiveness of their children but every day, start fresh. They shall not wallow long in depression but will have energy to parent their hurt child.
7. Blessed are the peaceful communicators for they shall not magnify a RAD rage but calm it down. (Proverbs says 'A soft answer turns away WRATH'.)
8. Blessed are those who parent their children the way that helps to heal them in spite of how bizarre it looks to those on the outside nor how others press against them to do otherwise; some day, they shall see genuine smiles and hugs in their homes.
9. Blessed are you when your child persecutes you for loving them unconditionally, for some day their testing will be traded in for never-ending trust, hope and love.
10. You are the seasoning and tone setter in your home. A RAD mom that retreats into her cave cannot help her family. Therefore, be the hub that the spokes come out from and life will "roll" miles more smoothly than you can ever imagine.


JoJo Tabares said...

This is precious!

Rebecca A Emrich said...

a Must read, excellent excellent writing.